About this Location

  • Address

    4187 Continental Drive
    Oakwood, GA 30566
  • Number

    (770) 287-7023
  • Hours

    Monday: 6:30 am-6:30 pm

    Tuesday: 6:30 am-6:30 pm

    Wednesday: 6:30 am-6:30 pm

    Thursday: 6:30 am-6:30 pm

    Friday: 6:30 am-6:30 pm

  • Child Care
    License Number

  • Schools We Pick Up From

    Martin Technology Academy
    Mundy Mill Academy
    Flowery Branch Elementary
    Oakwood Elementary 
    McEver School of the Arts

Social Media

Take a Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of Cedars Preschool at Oakwood


What Parents are Saying About Us

I switched over to Cedars back in August and it had been the best decision ever! Great staff! They really care about the kids and have so much stuff to involve parents in! I love this school and all that they do for my little one. She has learned so much since going here.

Halie P.

Switched over about 1 week ago and I love this school! Teachers and staff care about their students/parents. I have had no issues at all. My daughter seems to be adjusting well and every time I pick up her teacher always has a smile on her face! 100% would recommend this school!

Yvon S.

My niece and nephew go to Cedars and I honestly can’t say enough good things about them. It’s a welcoming environment that helps kids enjoy going. Highly recommend if you need a daycare in the Oakwood area!

Courtney S.

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Mindful of Allergies

At enrollment, we verify any dietary restrictions that your child may have. We are mindful of all allergies and have systems in place to help keep us safe during meal time and snack time each day.

Nutrition is a Priority

We always make sure to provide meals and snacks that will nourish little bodies and minds to help them reach their peak performance and health.

Smart Meal Times Schedules

We space out our snacks and meals to keep your little one fueled up and ready for anything.

See more at the Oakwood location

Tuition & Fees



Infant: $297
Freshman: $292
Sophomore: $287
Junior: $281
Senior: $276


  • Tuition is shown weekly but may be paid weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.
  • Tuition must be set up for automatic payments using a checking account, debit or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, or American Express). We offer the following billing cycles: weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly
  • Tuition payments are evenly divided throughout the year based on your billing cycle. Free weeks or credits are not awarded for absences, school holidays, and scheduled or emergency closures. 
  • A 5% sibling discount is offered with the youngest child paying full tuition.
  • There is an initial enrollment fee of $100 per child.
  • An annual registration and supply fee of $100 per child is due in September.
  • We require a one-week written notice to cancel any Cedars Preschool enrollment.
  • We accept CAPS Vouchers
Before & Afterschool


Afterschool Only: $135
Afterschool & Before school: $150


  • Tuition is shown weekly but may be paid weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.
  • There is an annual enrollment fee of $100 per child.
  • A 5% sibling discount is offered with the youngest child paying full tuition.
  • We accept CAPS Vouchers
Summer Camp


Summer Camp: $215


  • Tuition is shown weekly but may be paid weekly, bi-weekly or monthly
  • A 5% sibling discount is offered with the youngest child paying full tuition.
  • We accept CAPSVouchers
  • Weekly Summer Camp themes add exciting variety and adventure to your child’s summertime experience
  • A one-week notice from your scheduled billing date is required to change a camp reservation. Tuition payments are NON-REFUNDABLE

Contact Us

We Want to Hear From You!

We personally invite you and your family to come see and experience the Cedars difference.

Enroll Now!